18 November 2009

The obsession with winning

Forex trading market offers one of the most favorable opportunities to make money nowadays. People from different walks of life, men and women who decide to join the online Forex, hoping to live like a fairy tale.

But trading in the Forex - is also a war where you can lose money and confidence if you are not doing enough wisdom in your battles. After the market - a dangerous enemy.

Chinese military genius once said: "The obsession with victory - a state of mind that benefit the enemy". These wise words can certainly be applied to trade on Forex currency. There is nothing more dangerous than strive to win, no matter what.

New users believe that they should not close our auctions until you enter into at least one bargain. Or think that the indicator on which they rely, and technical analysis will always be correct, despite the fact that the market behaves quite differently.

This, of course, wrong strategy, it is any good will not. So you only shall give their money market, you will win your same obsession. If you see that the market is not on your side, close the auction or stop Turn up the price.

So, do not let greed take over you win. Install stop price according to your acceptable level.

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