17 November 2009

Trade less, get more!

Trade currencies - it in first turn passion. How many people do you know who can not wait till Monday? Traders in the Forex market in this respect more fortunate. They mostly like what they are doing. But trade - this is the same and business. And the sad truth of business is: the more you bargain, the more you lose.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Some traders can get a high enough profit from the frequent online trading (200 transactions per day by trading more than one currency). But they are not a lot. They can be called mad scientists, because they seem to have supernatural powers to predict the movement of prices. For the remaining deaths, fast trade - previously a losing game.

The reason is the high volatility. The more you enter the market, the greater the likelihood that you fall under the influence of some huge orders, and he pulls you along.

Of course, you can spin out the importance of discipline and patience, but we, poor simple people, hard to follow that advice. Therefore important to have a spare small deposit, which can be played without causing serious damage to your budget.

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