19 November 2009

Trading - a game for brains

You need to completely change the way of thinking of the common man in the way of thinking speculator. online Forex Trading currency - a game for brains, and if your mind is not configured appropriately, this game will be played, not even begun. Virtually all traders-beginners ignore that fact, and this explains why almost 95% of traders fail, if you work for a long period of time.

Person of average intelligence is not difficult to master knowledge of the market after a couple of years of his study. But neither the intelligence nor the knowledge of traders do not determine the outcome of market-trader. This decision-making process, which is so difficult to give the majority, and who decides whether a trader is successful or be totally defeated. Unfortunately, the process of decision-making in trade, as in all other spheres of life, painful, and people have a habit of avoiding the painful moments and look pleasant. After market research and study of literature trader needs to develop its own system of decision-making to translate knowledge into action. The hardest part - is when you do not know what the future brings, and live in constant fear. You need firm discipline, which will force you to take responsibility for the decisions taken at the right time.

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